Milan Cinque Giornate - Day 3ยง

The artist Giuseppe Grandi used Luigia Prati as his model for the third statue. Her look and gestures is meant to recall the day when Italians began to gain the spirit and determination to win the rebellion.

Behind this statue you can see the statues for the fourth and fifth days. The fourth day was made using the model, Innocentina Rossi. She is seemingly slipping, but is being pulled up by the fifth-day statue, pulling her towards victory.


album: milan cinque giornate; taken: unknown
equipment: camera: Canon EOS 400D; lens: EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6
settings: iso speed: 400; aperture: 8.0; shutter speed: 1/125 sec; focal length: 55.0 mm

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