Cinque Giornateยง

location: milan, italy; created: august 2007

The first war of independence from the Austro-Hungarian empire was fought in 1848. A major insurrection in that war was a battle known as the Cinque Giornate di Milano (Five Days of Milan in English). Starting on March 18 of 1848, there was a rebellion in Milan that lasted for five days and drove out Marshal Radetzky and his Austrian soldiers.

The dead from that battle were burried at the Piazza Cinque Giornate in Milan and an obelisk monument was erected. Eventually, a set of statues were built around that obelisk by Giuseppe Grandi. This is my favorite statuary in Milan. You can read more about it on Wikipedia in Italian.

Statue of the First Day
Statue of the Second Day
Statue of the Third Day
Statue of the Fifth Day